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The Value of Press Coverage

Did you know that ‘editorial’ press coverage, otherwise known as stories in the news, feature and business sections that are written by journalists, carry three times more value than an advert?

A business can say they are wonderful (an advert) but if someone else says it (a journalist), that third party view point carries far more weight and it is essential in building brand awareness, positioning that company in a way that aligns with their brand, and their values.

PR isn’t just about securing newspaper coverage, it’s about creatively reaching the correct target audience and engaging with them.

We position businesses from a broad spectrum of industries in front of the right people, at the right time. Our approach isn’t one size fits all, it’s bespoke to each client’s requirements.

We think outside the box to create campaigns that will pack a punch, regularly delivering impactful coverage in our client’s target media.

If this is something you’d like to explore, get in touch.