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Putting Gin Bothy Centre Stage at the 96th Oscars

The Brief 

From The Angus Hills to the Hollywood Hills! We’ve been working with The Gin Bothy for over five years. As a Dundee PR consultancy we understand the regional media landscape but are also able to drive their profile with press coverage in Scottish and UK national titles. 

We have been incredibly proud to tell the story of how the handcrafted gin brand made its way into this year’s Oscar Nominees official goody bag.

Focusing on amplifying the news with a media relations campaign, we wanted to place press coverage in lifestyle titles but more importantly in the news and mainstream broadcast where we could drive brand awareness with a new audience, introducing them to Gin Bothy for the first time.

The Campaign

In the initial stage of the campaign, we utilised a blend of traditional and online media channels to generate both national and local coverage of The Gin Bothy’s announcement that they would be included in the prestigious Oscars nominee gift bags. 

Building on the excitement of the initial announcement, the second phase of our campaign centred on the release of Gin Bothy’s exclusive limited-edition batch Original Gin with a strong call to action. Initially crafted solely for nominees, the Gin was then released for purchase by the general public. 

Alongside continued coverage in online and traditional spaces, we widened our efforts to include social media influencers, podcasts and broadcast, with the founder Kim appearing on Scran, Women in Wellies, and the brand featuring on Lorraine and the BBC.

In addition to our PR support, we bolstered the campaign with organic social media content creation and digital marketing campaigns to advertise the limited edition bottles.

You can read all about it on the Scotsman, Scottish Field, the National, Insider (UK), Shortlist, Herald Scotland, the Spirit Business and BBC UK sites.

The Results

54 pieces of coverage

15.1m total audience 

245 brand mentions 

140k reach from social media influencers 

Gin Bothy

15.1M Total Audience