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Top Questions of the Week: Our Cheat Sheet

Working in the digital marketing and PR landscape, we’re no strangers to questions about the job; What exactly is PR? Aren’t PR and marketing the same thing? You manage social media accounts, does that mean you’re an influencer? So this week we’ve rounded up some of the best questions we’ve been asked and given you all the answers in one handy blog post.


1. Can you write copy for our website?

Absolutely. We’re copywriting experts with over 20 years of experience crafting compelling stories for brands, not just in the press and media but through their websites too. Creating impactful content that leaves a lasting impression on visitors and putting brands’ messages at the heart of everything we write.


2. Can you recommend an Edinburgh shooting location?

Yes! Although we’re based in beautiful Broughty Ferry, our team has connections across all of Scotland. We’re happy to help with photography, locations, and recommendations best suited for your business throughout the country. 


3. What’s a good cost per click?

There isn’t always a one-size-fits-all approach to advertising metrics, and a good cost-per-click benchmark will depend on the industry, platform, audience, and objectives you’ve set. On the whole, a good cost per click is one that allows you to reach your ideal return on investment without going over your budget.


4. What is Google Tag Manager, and should I be using it?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool provided by Google that allows website owners and marketers to manage and deploy various tracking codes and tags on their websites without needing to modify the website’s code directly. Whether you should use GTM depends on your tracking complexity, update frequency, resource availability, technical proficiency, and compatibility with your website platform. We’re more than happy to work with you to see if GTM is the right fit for your business/website.


5.  Should I be using the Employee Advocacy features on LinkedIn?

Whether or not to use the Employee Advocacy features on LinkedIn depends on your company’s goals and culture. If you aim to increase brand visibility, enhance employee engagement, and establish thought leadership, leveraging your employees’ networks can be a fantastic tool for your business.


6. Where should I be advertising?

If you’ve got a limited budget and need to pick the right platform for your business, knowing where your potential customers are is the first step. Putting your time, effort, and resources into a platform they don’t use means you’ll struggle to get the results you want. This is what makes research and planning so important before you get started with any advertising. 


7. Can you help us knock it out of the park?

Hell yes! Whether you’re looking to spread your latest story throughout the media, revamp your social media presence, advertise your business in the digital landscape or create an engaging website that resonates with your audience, we can help you do it all.  


If you’ve got a question about digital marketing, PR, or the world of social media that wasn’t on this list, like when can we start, be sure to talk to the team today.